Archive for the 'Home School' Category


Home School Program 2007-2008 Soils – September 11, 2007

This year 2007-2008 homeschool program is focusing on Soil and the creatures that depend upon it.  Here’s the overview:

Lesson #:

1. Soil Samples- learning about soil (September)
2. Ants in the Soil – Study of Ants (October)
3. Worms (November)
4. Chipmunks (January)
5. Burrowing Animals (February)
6. Salamanders (March)

Various Soils, originally uploaded by Camp Naturalist.

Home Schoolers grades K-3 collect different kinds of soil on our walk around camp. We find some fairy rings(mushroom circles) and the kids really seem to enjoy these.

Here the children add other finds to the found soil.

Various Soils

3rd – 5th Grade
1. Soil and a Rotten Log – How soil is formed (September)
2. Pioneer & Native American Usage of Rocks & Minerals (October)
3. The Ground We Walk On – the composition of soil (November)
4. Conservation: The Earth and Its Limits (January)
5. Minerals All Around Us – Studying Minerals (February)
6. Sedimentary, Metamorphic & Igneous Rocks (March)

The older kids make pooters (bug suckers) and look at the many decomposers that turn living material back into soil.
Bug Suckers/ Pooters

Bark(or engraver) Beetles

Picture 005

Fungus turning log back in to soil.

Picture 007